Monday, May 20, 2013

Junior Chefs @ Work I

After almost 2 years of eating outside, we've decided that it was time we step into the kitchen (occassionally) and prepare some quick fix meals to curb our hunger pangs! Mummy dearest is the world's greatest cook but I nv manage to inherit any of her superb cooking genes, haha! Well well, it's never too late to start learning :) 
We made a trip to the nearest supermarket to get all the necessary ingredients. Boy, I really love filling up the trolley with goodies & we ended up with more junk food (snacks) than proper food :P Reached home and immediately start to marinate the chicken fillet with sugar, pepper, oyster sauce and sesame oil. With my amateur skills, I don't think I'm qualified to prepare a step-by-step tutorial yet :) Left it overnight in the fridge before cooking it the day after.

So, over the weekend, we prepared burrito wraps for lunch. The original recipe was for beef, but we traded it for chicken and modified some of the steps for a fuss-free cooking experience! I certainly don't wish to create a tornado in the kitchen just for cooking a simple dish :P  
I took over the chopping board while Leecher watched the stove. Sliced & diced capsicum, lettuce and cheddar cheese for the fillings. 
Frying the marinated chicken together with capsicum. Of cuz, I had to sneak a few bites here and there, lol! 
Place the wrap over the pan and put in all the ingredients on top.  You can add in as much ingredients as you want, but leave enough space to fold the wrap.
Secure it with a toothpick and leave it over small fire for the cheese to melt :)
Finally, served with a glass of wine of your own preference! 

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